The Development Agencies are responsible for financial and technical support to the regional actors in the areas specified in the relevant application guidelines, taking into account the regional plan and programs and the annual work program in order to accelerate the development process of the region for which it is responsible and to carry out activities that are critical for the region. As per the Regulation on Project and Activity Support, Agencies can organize the following programs and provide support to regional actors through these programs.
Development agencies, in line with the pre-determined eligibility criteria to accelerate the development process of the region and carry out activities that are critical for the region, may provide financial and technical support to regional actors in the areas specified in the regional plan and programs, the annual work program and the relevant application guidelines. Provided that it is clearly stated in its annual work program and application guide, the Agency may provide financial support to the projects of private enterprises, non-governmental organizations, public institutions and organizations, universities, professional institutions in the nature of public institutions, local administrations and their associations, cooperatives and their associations and other natural and legal persons. The financial support the Agency may provide is divided into three: direct financing support, interest support and non-interest credit support.
1.1.Direct Financing Support
Direct financing support consists mainly of the support provided by the agency through the call for proposals. However, the Agency may provide direct support in the form of feasibility and guided project support, without calling for proposals and by mitigating some of its obligations in project preparation or by directly managing the project preparation process.
Management of Call for Proposals
The call for proposals is to invite potential applicants whose qualifications are clearly identified within the scope of a specific support program to submit a project proposal in accordance with the pre-determined issues and conditions.
Feasibility Support
The Agency can provide direct financial support to the feasibility studies of projects aimed at benefiting from important opportunities in terms of development and competitiveness of the region, preventing threats and risks to the regional economy and developing the innovation and entrepreneurship capacity of the region. This type of support is not carried out with the call for proposals method.
Guided Project Support
Guided projects are special model projects determined by and under the leadership and direction of the Agency in line with the priorities foreseen in the regional plan without applying the call for proposals method. The Agency may provide support for guided projects whose feasibility has been approved by the Ministry.
1.2.Interest Support and Interest-Free Credit Support
Interest Support
It is the financial support for the projects to be paid by the Agency for the loans to be received from the related intermediary institutions for the projects specified in the application guide.
Interest-Free Credit Support
It is the financial support to be provided by the Agency by providing interest-free credit to intermediary institutions for the projects complying with the application guide. Related intermediary institution refers to the contracted institutions and organizations of the Agency such as Small and Medium Scale Industry Development and Support Administration, Credit Guarantee Fund, Development Bank of Turkey, other banks and financial institutions in interest support and interest-free credit support applications.
The aim of the technical support to be provided by the Agency is to provide training to local actors in the region, which is important for regional development but suffers during the preparation and implementation stages due to lack of institutional capacity, to contribute to the preparation of programs and projects, to assign temporary expert personnel, to provide consultation, to perform lobby activities and to establish international relations.